傑夫.羅伯 Jeff Robb 英國 b.1965
傑夫.羅伯(Jeff Robb)以全像攝影的手法揉合立體光柵的獨特技術,為當代攝影開拓出全新的視野。現年52歲的Jeff在創作自述中提到,他的作品是在二維格式的三維空間中,對自然及非自然世界的力量進行視覺探索。Jeff對「已知」和「未知」之間的關係很感興趣,他的創作,探索影像製作的未知,和人類心靈的未知歷程。在我們的眼前,這些各種姿態的女體成了褪色的靈,逐漸在自然的力量中釋放出來。這些具體的影像只是藝術家安排的一個途徑,讓觀者們能真正見證這期間轉換的過程。
1992年,Jeff以全像攝影碩士優異的成績畢業於英國皇家藝術學院(Royal Academy of Arts),成立於1768年的皇家藝術學院不僅僅是一所藝術學校,更是藝術研究院,促進英國許多傑出的藝術家與建築師在該領域的發展。Jeff在初畢業時,便收到來自維多利亞與亞伯特博物館的邀請,為其提供一件地景作品作為博物館的永久典藏品,這也是他生平第一次被美術館典藏的全像攝影作品。他目前作品現多存於全球的美術館與私人收藏。
Since graduating with Distinction from the Royal College of Art in 1992 with a Masters degree in Fine Art Holography, Robb has continually made art, ceaselessly experimenting with three-dimensional imaging. Shortly after graduating, he was invited to submit a landscape work in to the V&A museum’s permanent collection, the first ever hologram artwork to be accessioned by the museum. Robb’s work now features in museums and private collections around the world.
Robb is currently best known for his lenticular photographic work focusing on the female nude and abstract forms in space, which he makes in series. The artist has recently begun to produce bronze sculptures working with the female nude, a subject familiar to him, using cutting edge modelling technology combined with historic casting techniques. This radical development is typical of Robb’s open experimental approach in making art, using any combination of tools and technology available to him.
In parallel to developing lines of enquiry around the nude and abstraction in his lenticular work, Robb is beginning to work on projects which investigate how we experience sound, and large-scale kinetic installations for public spaces, museums and galleries. For many, these new directions will at first seem uncharacteristic. Those who are familiar with Robb’s approach and what drives him as an artist will understand the significance of each project for him in testing possibilities with the lenticular medium, and creating new immersive experiences using three-dimensional imaging and cutting edge technology. This kind of experimental lenticular installation work is completely unchartered territory for artists.
Jeff Robb works in a variety of media including lenticular photography, painting, bronze and silver cast sculpture, reflection and transmission holography, photography, film, laser light and sound installations. The galleries here are representations of lenticular photography that use a vertical lens array to present a stereo pair of images to the eyes. They are 3D pictures without glasses. There are many more images available in each series. Jeff Robb is shown in galleries and art fairs around the world.
搜索更多Jeff Robb的作品:http://www.jeffrobb.com