不自然成因原件 Unnatural Causes Unique|2015|立體攝影 Lenticular Photograph|110 x 240 cm
傑夫・羅伯 立體攝影個展 Jeff Robb Solo Exhibition|2017.2.10~3.26
開幕茶會:2017.2.18 2pm
Jeff Robb突破性的攝影手法,為當代攝影開拓出完全不同的新視野。百棋藝術榮幸邀請Jeff首度來台個展,展覽特別從漂浮 (Flow) , 不自然成因 (Unnatural Causes) , 自由落體 (Free Fall) , 傍晚 (Nightfall) , 宏觀 (Macroland)和花朵 (Flowers) 六大系列作品中,精挑21件最具代表性的立體攝影作品,其中不自然成因無版次 (Unnatural Causes Unique) 的原件創作更是難得展出的佳作。
他的立體攝影作品聞名於世,其中又以女性裸體系列最為人所熟知,他利用垂直排列的多重鏡頭捕捉⼀對對立體、沒有玻璃阻隔的3D圖像,其所傳達的視覺衝擊力,讓人猶如身歷其境。 Jeff一直以來用心深入探索平面影像與3D立體空間的視覺連結,利用深層專業的技術強化畫面為觀者所帶來的直接感受。 Jeff認為他的作品猶如一面面鏡子,能將觀者引領至另一個自我未知的世界。
Pontone Gallery Taiwan is proudly to present Jeff Robb’s first solo exhibition in our own gallery in Taichung from 10th February to 26th March. It contains 21 artworks from six different series: Flow, Unnatural Causes, Free Fall, Nightfall, Macroland and Flowers. In which, we have the rare opportunity to showcase the exceptional Unnatural Causes Unique piece.
Robb graduated with distinction from the Royal College of Art in 1992 with a Master degree in Fine Art Holography, his work now features in museums and private collections around the world. Shortly after graduating, he was invited to submit a landscape work in to the V&A museum’s permanent collection, the first ever hologram artwork to be accessioned by the museum.
Robb's breakthrough photography has opened up a completely different vision for photography art. We hope this exhibition will help the viewers to re-establish the understanding of photography creation and create a different prospect of view on photography collection.