徐睿甫 Reef Hsu 台灣 b.1978
畢業於新竹教育大學美勞教育研究所,目前就讀於國立師範大學美術系博士班。自2009年入選「Made in Taiwan」新人推薦特區以來,多次獲得桃城美展、宜蘭獎等多項獎項,並於2020年獲得南瀛獎。自2006年起舉辦過多場個展與聯展,作品廣為國際私人收藏與文化部藝術銀行典藏。
Reef Hsu, born in 1978 in Taiwan, gratulated from Hsinchu University of Education as M.F.A, selected as one of young talent in 'Made in Taiwan: Young Artist Discovery' hold by Ministry of Culture in 2009. Rewarded Nan Ying Award in 2020.
Since 2006, Hsu has held several solo and group exhibitions and has been widely presented in many fairs globally. His mechanical repeatedly painting technic has impressed curators and collectors world wide. Recently, Hsu continues his adventure both on oil painting and pencil sketch. He try to extract colours, layers and intensity out of the object he observed, pushing his works into more abstract field. Hsu's works are massively collected by private collectors and Taiwan Ministry of Culture Art Bank Collection. Hsu is one of the stable artist in Taiwan.