陳崑鋒 Toni Chen 台灣 b.1971
畢業於美國紐約大學藝術研究所碩士,現任朝陽科技大學視覺傳播設計系系主任。曾於紐約456畫廊、台北關渡美術館、台北鳳甲美術館及非常廟藝文空間舉辦個展,亦於韓國光州美術館、台中國立台灣美術館、順天藝術中心等多地參與展出。作品典藏於國立台灣美術館、國立關渡美術館 、國立清華大學藝術中心、龍華科技大學藝文中心、國泰世華藝術中心、藝術銀行等公共機構與學術機構,亦獲私人收藏青睞。
Toni Chen, born in 1971 in Taiwan, Graduated from the New York University Institute of Art with a master's degree, he is currently the dean of the Department of Visual Communication Design at Chaoyang University of Science and Technology. He has held solo exhibitions at 456 Gallery in New York, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts in Taipei, Hong-gah Museum in Taipei, and VT Artsalon. He has also participated in several group exhibitions in Gwangju Museum of Art in Korea, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung, and The 201 Art. His works are collected in public institutions and academic institutions such as National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, National Tsinghua University Arts Center, Lunghwa Art Center, Cathay United Art Center, Art Bank etc., and are also favored by private collections.