維斯科‧基洛夫 Vasco Kirov 保加利亞 b.1960
維斯科的創作以充滿活⼒的⾊彩和豐富的質感著稱。寶石系列作品,共計十五件,完整包含他投身於珠寶工作中,天天與寶石為伍的特殊情感。“地球孕育寶石的條件是很極端的,高度的壓力與溫度,經過漫長時間的等待,造就了這些集中能量的芯。這些芯被火淨化、被壓力強化、當光線被加進之中,寶石誕生了。我希望能貼近捕捉大自然創造它們的方式。” 藝術家透由這系列作品,傳達他對於寶石形成過程中的和諧與無限想像。在絢爛的珠寶設計背後,我們難得有機會體會到設計師與寶石獨特的情感交流。
Vasco Kirov was born in the town of Dobrich, Bulgaria in 1960. He had a formal education in music and worked as a violin teacher in the early eighties. A desire for greater creative exposure and richer life experiences subsequently lead him to working as a prospecting driller, knife maker, blacksmith and ethnic jewellery maker, among others. After immigrating to South Africa in 1991, he immersed himself in fine jewellery design and manufacture, and was awarded seven prestigious design awards for excellence in diamond jewellery design. Vasco still designs and fabricates fine jewellery pieces in his studio in Cape Town.
Vasco started painting on stretched canvas in 2003 as a means of exploring a new form of creative expression. He never paints real objects – the compositions and colours rather spring from dreams or visualisations. Conveying an overall emotional impetus is what drives the creative process, rather than a direct representation of actual forms and colours. Vasco’s work is known for his use of vibrant colours and plentiful texture.
Earth gives birth to the gemstones in extreme conditions. Extreme pressure and temperature, over extreme period of time create cores of concentrated energy. These are purified by fire, hardened by pressure and once light is added to the equation, they come alive. The “Gemstones” collection of paintings captures the way I imagine this creation to come about. In the paint application techniques, I aimed to emulate the effortless way nature created them: with bold strokes, creating harmony of light and colour, within the chaos of formlessness.