吳政璋 Wu Cheng-Chang 台灣 b.1965
畢業於美國賽凡納藝術設計學院,現為台中市嶺東科技大學視覺傳達設計系助理教授。早期為運動記者與商業攝影師,隨後投身於藝術創作與教學工作。以 I Die Want – 台灣「美景」系列聞名,藝術家用不同觀點看待當地的景色。有別於明信片上的絢麗風景,面對工商業過度破壞與群眾對當地環境的漠視,利用光線過度曝光人臉的手法,暗示人民因不同因素而產生的台灣危機。
Wu Cheng-Chang, one of the most representative Taiwanese photographer, expresses his personal observations, emotions and opinions reflected by the unique landscape of Taiwan. His famous 'I Die Want' series shows deep attachment on the relation between human being and environment. The earlier 'Seeing and Construction' series, however represent more deeply into artist's mind, a combination of the objects and symbols from our surrounding and the emotion attached.
Wu has won many awards including the Grand Prize of Creative Award of Visual Art 2012 (Taiwan), Grand Prize of The Power of SELF an image competition in 2010 (Artists Wanted, New York) and in 2009 the Honorable Mention Award of Taipei Arts Awards.
In 2018, he is representing Taiwan in London Design Biennal. His works can be found internationally at many museums, photography festival and in the collections of Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Art Bank of Ministry of Culture Taiwan, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and Taiwan Cultural Affairs Bureau.